Full Name: Alia Leat
Date Of Birth: 27-May-2005
Hometown: Surrey
Gym Club: Heathrow Gymnastics Club
Coach(es): Vince and Michelle Walduck
Top Honours: Landing my one and a half yurchenko on a mat for the first time and Representing Team GB at the first junior world championships.
Inspiration(s): Sunisa Lee because she is a lovely person and a great gymnast to watch
Top Advice: Before doing anything, think it through
Top Achievement:
2018 British AA Beam and Vault Champion
Olympic Hopes 2018 AA Silver
Beam and floor Champion
Top 20 at the first junior worlds 2019
Favourite Discipline: Beam
How I Relax: Listen to Music
Likes: Baking, Listening to music and gymnastics
Dislikes: Rain and splitting the beam
Pet Hates: People chewing with their mouths open
Pet(s): Don't have any but wish I had a dog!
My inspirational quote: "Believe it to achieve it"
Funniest Gymnastic Moment: When I tripped up onto the podium at a competition at my gymnastics club
Products I love from Gymnastics Express: Joshua Tree Salve and Pro Bar Loops. My favourite Rainbow Range colour is Candyfloss Cuddle.
What I Love about Gymnastics Express: I LOVE how Gymnastics Express have so may different colours to choose from! Also that they sell Balm in different sizes.