Full Name: Leah Greenland
Date Of Birth: 16-Jun-2004
Hometown: Spennymoore, County Durham
Gym Club: South Durham Gymnastics Club
Coach(es): Rachel Wright and Nicola Preston
Top Honours: British Beam Junior Champion 2018 and making reserve for the Junior Europeans the same year.
Inspiration(s) and why: Nile Wilson who has been extremely open about his journey, and struggles throughout his career. Nile's constant mindset to never give up spurs me on. Shaun Johnson is another very successful athlete from a young age who I look up to.
Top Advice: Your rehab is so important so make the most of it!
Top Achievement(s): At the Espoir Championships apparatus finals I achieved a bronze and silver medal.
Favourite Discipline: Bars
How I Relax: Watching Netflix and listening to Music
Likes: Online shopping, Catching up with friends, Disney films and watermelon
Dislikes: Mushrooms, Small holes, spiders and horror films
Pet Hates: Loud eaters
Pet(s): I have a cat who is 13 years old named Lucy
Funniest Gymnastics moment: Doing a toe-on high bar, I pinged off mid-skill and flipped over the low bar!
My inspirational quote: "I believe you should take failure as a stepping stone to success. It's never over until its over!"
Products I love from Gymnastics Express: I love PandaPaws, they are extremely comfortable and supportive.
What I love about Gymnastics Express: Ordering from Gymnastics Express is so easy. They have a log of previous orders in case my Mam forgets what size etc I am. They arrive promptly also! My favourite rainbow range colour is grey/silver (Gimme Glitz!).